Tree of Lives, an extraordinary novel
Written under a pen name and illustrated by Barbara Bose
My award winning illustrated novel, TREE OF LIVES (by Elizabeth Garden, a pen name), follows the story of my life and art career as reflected in the experiences of a character named Ruth. As a budding artist, Ruth struggles under the weight of a fallen branch of her family tree, in the form of a secret tragedy that she certainly felt but knew nothing about. Only after she excavates the real truth does her life fully blossom.
The guiding light of Tree of Lives is that while we are so often our own worst enemy, we can also be our own best friend. I believe we each hold the power to access our Higher Self to design a better life for ourselves, though it is not always easy as Ruth’s rocky path will show you. But the ability to create art really helped. Tree of Lives has helped many other adult victims of childhood abuse and hidden trauma.
TREE OF LIVES is the Gold medal winner of the Presidents Book Award from the Florida Authors and Publishers Association for Women’s Fiction, the eLit Bronze Award for Literary Fiction, and a finalist for the American Book Fest International Book Award, the American Book Fest American Fiction Award and the Page Turner Awards Ebook Awards.
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